
Use PowerShell to monitor Windows Defender firewall

I’m trying to think of a proper reason for my first technical post to be about Windows Defender firewall, since I don’t actually consult it that much. With (hardware) network appliances, providing more than capable monitoring/analyzers, or even old-school switch ACL’s, why go through the trouble of using Windows Defender firewall logs which are neither viewable in real-time nor formatted in a proper fileformat?

Well… Most of the time there probably isn’t a very good reason to. However, it does offer a few advantages;

As a real-life example, I wanted to backup a WLC’s config over TFTP, which defaults to UDP/69. The file failed to upload to the TFTP server and seeing that both hosts resided within the same subnet, chances were that Defender firewall blocked the incoming traffic.

So let’s confirm the theory, right? For this situation I created a PowerShell script which makes it easier to go through the logs…

The script

  Excerpt Windows Defender firewall log remotely.
  Start Windows Defender firewall logfile by custom name.
  Stop logging after key input.
  Convert standard logfile to usable .csv file.
  Copy file from remote to local location.
  OS requirement(s):		- PowerShell Core 7.x (confirmed)
  Module requirement(s)		- No additional modules/features required

  Author:			Jimmy van Ameyde
  Website:			jimbit.io
  Contact:			jva@jimbit.io

# Variables (set these by choice)
$remoteHost = New-PSSession -HostName "<remotehost>" -UserName "<username>" -Port 22 -SSHTransport
$fileName = "LogExcerpt"
$fileDir = "C:\fwlogs\" # This directory has to exist when script is run!
$fullLog = "$($fileDir)$($fileName).log"
$fullCsv = "$($fileDir)$($fileName).csv"
$toLocalFile = "/Users/<username>/<subfolder>/$($fileName).csv" # Change to local directory of choice file output
$logWaitTime = 30 # In seconds

# Firewall settings splat for logging everything
$enableFwLog = @{
	Name				= "Domain"
	LogMaxSizeKiloBytes		= "4096" # Default: 4096. When size limit is reached, 1x .old and regular logfile are kept
	LogAllowed			= "True"
	LogBlocked			= "True"
	LogIgnored			= "True"
	LogFileName 			= $fullLog # Default value: "%systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log"

# Start Windows Firewall logging on 'Domain' profile
Invoke-Command -Session $remoteHost -ScriptBlock {
	$fwlDomainEnabled = Get-NetFireWallProfile -Name Domain
	if ([string]$fwlDomainEnabled.Enabled -eq 'True') {
		Set-NetFireWallProfile @Using:enableFwLog
		Write-Host "Firewall logging set for profile: Domain"

# Wait for set amount before stopping logfiles
Get-Date; Start-Sleep -Seconds $logWaitTime; Get-Date

# Stop Windows Firewall logging on 'Domain' profile
Invoke-Command -Session $remoteHost -ScriptBlock {
	$fwlDomainEnabled = Get-NetFireWallProfile -Name Domain
	if ([string]$fwlDomainEnabled.Enabled -eq 'True') {
		$disableFwLog = @{
			Name				= "Domain"
			LogAllowed			= "False"
			LogBlocked			= "False"
			LogIgnored			= "False"
		Set-NetFireWallProfile @disableFwLog
		Write-Host "Firewall logging stopped for profile: Domain"

# Modify generated logfile to useable .csv file
Invoke-Command -Session $remoteHost -ScriptBlock {
	# Copy logfile and rename from .log to .csv extension to avoid Base Filtering Engine file-lock issue
	Copy-Item -Path "$Using:fullLog" -Destination "$Using:fullCsv"

	# Remove first 5 lines (header) from copied .csv file
	Set-Content -Path $Using:fullCsv -Value (Get-Content $Using:fullCsv | Select-Object -Skip 5)

	# Add new header to modify log as useable .csv file, replaces spaces with delimiter of choice
	$csvHeader = "date time action protocol src-ip dst-ip src-port dst-port size tcpflags tcpsyn tcpack tcpwin icmptype icmpcode info path"
	$delimiter = ","
	@($($csvHeader)) + (Get-Content $Using:fullCsv) | Set-Content -Path $Using:fullCsv
	(Get-Content $Using:fullCsv).Replace(" ","$($delimiter)") | Set-Content -Path $Using:fullCsv

# Copy remote file to local system
Copy-Item -Path $fullCsv -Destination $toLocalFile -FromSession $remoteHost

# Close remote PowerShell session
$remoteHost | Remove-PSSession

So what’s going on? Let’s start off with that the script invokes commands remotely via SSH remoting. I prefer remoting over SSH because it is cross-platform. This can easily be changed to WinRM style remoting by changing the New-PSSession parameters.

Here’s a short overview of its actions;

Now let’s see… What do we have here? Looks like we found the culprit.


Hope you enjoyed this post and that it will help you quickly track down Windows Defender firewall behavior remotely.

Disclaimer: I try to keep my scripts here relatively simple, if you like the idea but prefer to implement advanced functionality such as: functions, try/catch statements, debugging, etcetera. Feel free to copy the source and change it to whatever is desired. Make sure to understand what is happening before running a script, adjusting it for your situation when and where required.